To be eligible for the Masters in International Law and Diplomacy program at JSIA, applicants must possess a Bachelor’s degree from any recognized university, regardless of the discipline. Those who are set to complete their Bachelor’s degree by July 2024 are also welcome to apply on a provisional basis. There is no age limit for applicants. 


The M.A. Diplomacy, Law and Business programme is a two-year course at JSIA. The first year is divided into two semesters, with each semester having core and elective courses. The total number of credits required for graduation is 83. The second year is split into two semesters with different pathways that students can choose from. In the third semester, students can take electives, an independent research study or go for a semester abroad. In the fourth semester, students can opt for a capstone internship and paper, a dissertation and colloquium or another round of electives.


Graduates of the M.A. Diplomacy, Law and Business program at JSIA are prepared for a variety of career opportunities in international affairs. These opportunities include:

Foreign Service Officer
International Lawyer
Policy Analyst
NGO Worker
Think Tank Researcher

The program also includes a mandatory Guided Internship that enhances students’ readiness for their future careers.

The core subjects covered in the Masters in Law and Diplomacy syllabus at JSIA include:

International Relations Theory and Praxis
International Economics
International Law and Organisations
Social Science Research Methods
Foreign Language
Academic Writing

JSIA offers a wide range of elective courses for students in the Master of Arts in Diplomacy program. These courses are interdisciplinary and involve elements of law as well as other disciplines in social science and management. There are five main clusters of elective courses:

Peace and Conflict Studies
Economics and Foreign Policy
Defence and National Security Studies
Human Rights and International Development
Global South Studies

Students can select three electives from one cluster, worth 12 credits, to specialize in a given concentration and receive a certificate of specialization after graduation.